Qt Signal Slot Base Class

4/12/2022by admin
Qt Signal Slot Base Class Rating: 8,1/10 7777 reviews

All objects in Cascades are derived from the QObject class. This class is the base class of all Qt objects and provides several important features. Most notably, QObject provides support for signals and slots, which is a powerful mechanism that allows objects to communicate with each other.When something happens to an object in your app (for example, a user clicks a button), the object emits a.

In order to demonstrate this, we need to create a C class in the first place by right-clicking on the project in the Projects panel and selecting Add New. Then, click on C Class in the pop-up window. The newly created class should at least inherit from QObject by choosing QObject as its base class. This is because a plain C class can't include Qt's slots or signals. The header file's content is displayed as follows. This might be useful for IDE or other tools to be made aware of Qt macros. This is inspired to what QtCreator1 and moc-ng2 does. But they are forced to redefine or inject code at precise location which might be difficult. Old syntax Qt 5 continues to support the old string-based syntax for connecting signals and slots defined in a QObject or any class that inherits from QObject (including QWidget) connect (sender, SIGNAL (valueChanged (QString, QString)), receiver, SLOT (updateValue (QString))); New: connecting to. QAbstractItemView class is the base class for every standard view that uses a QAbstractItemModel. QAbstractItemView is an abstract class and cannot itself be instantiated. It provides a standard interface for interoperating with models through the signals and slots mechanism, enabling subclasses to be kept up-to-date with changes to their models.

There are some concepts to be clarified

[QT signal & slot] VS [Python signal & slot]

All the predefined signals & slots provided by pyqt are implemented by QT's c++ code. Whenever you want to have a customized signal & slot in Python, it is a python signal & slot. Hence there are four cases to emits a signal to a slot:

Qt Signal Slot Parameter

  • from a QT signal to a QT slot
  • from a QT signal to a Python slot
  • from a Python signal to a QT slot
  • from a Python signal to a Python slot

The code below shows how to connect for these four different scnarios

Conclusion is --

Signal signature for Python signal differentiate from that of QT signal in that it doesn't have the parenthesis and can be passed any python data types when you emit it. The Python signal is created when you emit it.


For slot, there are three forms of signatures.

  • s.connect(w, SIGNAL('signalSignature'), functionName)
  • s.connect(w,SIGNAL('signalSignature'), instance.methodName)
  • s.connect(w,SIGNAL('signalSignature'), instance, SLOT('slotSignature'))

Qt Signal Slot Performance

Number 1 & 2 are available for Python slot, while number 2 & 3 are available for QT slot. It is clear that besides QT predefined slot, any python callable function/methods is qulified to be a Python slot.

SignalQt Signal Slot Base Class

These points are made in Summerfield's article on Signals and Slots.

[Old style qt signal & slot] VS [new style qt singal & slot]

Qt Signals And Slots Tutorial


Qt Signal Slot Base Classic

Well, all the description above is based on the old style pyqt signal & slot. As @Idan K suggested there is an alternative new-style to do the things, especially for the Python signal. Refer to here for more.

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